Hi, I'm Sofia.

Based in Manchester, United Kingdom📍

In my day job I work as a Senior Software Developer in the business intelligence space.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, crafting, doodling, playing around with tech both new and old, and walking the dogs.

The dogs!
Hannie, a white greyhound with dark brown patches and spots, lays upside down in her dog bed while gazing vaguely towards the camera.
Hannie and Marlow, an all black greyhound, are outdoors standing in the glade of a wood. They are both wearing their harneses and while Marlow snoots something on the ground Hannie looks off to the side.
Marlow lays upside down at the top of some stairs and gazes down at the camera while baring some of his large teeth.

For more check out the links below ⤵

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