

Daresbury, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Software Engineer

Apr 2021 - Present

Shifted into a role focused on development for the business's Industrial IoT platform. Projects so far include overhauling the orchestration of Docker containers to improve the dev experience, helping migrate to Vue 3, and implementing novel UI features for managing devices at scale.

Tools & technologies
  • Vue.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Docker

Associate Software Engineer

Oct 2019 - Apr 2021

Joined Ivanti as a member of a cross-functional agile team working in the company's Supply Chain business unit (also known as Ivanti Wavelink).

During this period tasks included maintenance and feature development of Wavelink’s flagship Terminal Emulation product for Windows and Android, and delivering its port to iOS.

I also helped deliver Wavelink’s first cloud offering, a platform to aid customers in the management of Warehouse Assets, seeing the project through from conception to release.

Tools & technologies
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • C#
  • Xamarin
  • .NET Core
  • MongoDB

KeyedIn Solutions

Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Sept 2018 - Oct 2019

Full-stack developer role for a customisable Project Portfolio Management SaaS product.

Initially joined as a member of the hot-fix team and later joined one of the feature teams to help successfully deliver version 6.5 of the product, which included notable features such as Integrated Portfolio Resourcing and the KeyedIn Portal.

Not ashamed to admit that I wrote a lot of jQuery in this role.

Tools & technologies
  • jQuery
  • TypeScript
  • SQL Server